
Don't Plant a Tree If You Want to be Perish

Hi Friend. I want share to you about condition the earth nowadays. Cause this month is plants tree event!! Presented by BSO member.

Do you know
the earth can't live any longer?? why it happened??
The tree is cut down by people..
Any polution in the air are not filtered before, so makes a rain acid, actually its too dangereous for our life..
You want to know the cruelty?? This animation will be presented to you :)

"Stop Ancient forest Destruction", "take your voice to Paper Industries". Said demonstrant from Japan. When Indonesian people can do like this? Care for the living and the future. BSO member will realize you how noteworthy this problem.

The increased international demand for commodities and natural resources has led to large scale industrial logging, which is devastating the rainforest and the people and animals that live there.Some community called Greenpeace, was care with this important problem,  BSO too. We writing down into the blog and make a real step.

Our vision is for zero deforestation in this world especially in Indonesia. I believe that, by following an environmentally sound and socially just development model, Indonesian people can protect its forests, respect the rights of its forest communities and achieve economic development - while helping to protect the global climate.

So people, we must do something!!


Yeah haha.. like the video said: Save our trees..!!
Many advantages in planting trees, small steps would be very helpful in the future ..
Don't just talk only. Shut up your mouth, act right now!!

            green zone in my backyard .. so plants a tree!!


  1. halaman belakang yang segar, sejuk dipandang.

    Mari menanam, menjaga dan melestarikan.

    Salam solid keluarga BSO. :D

  2. pke bahasa barat, wah saya kaga ngarti ini bro. Fotonya ntu ada dibelakang apa didepan rumah ya?

  3. untuk Paper Industri,

    seharusnya penebangan pohon, disertai juga dengan penanaman kembali.. fiuh.

  4. "Stop Ancient forest Destruction", "take your voice to Paper Industries". Said demonstrant from Japan. When Indonesian people can do like this? Care for the living and the future. BSO member will realize you how noteworthy this problem.

  5. Ada beberapa bagian yang Gue rasa Englishnya kudu diperbaikin coz artinya jadi ambigu. But, I appreciate your courage to write a blog post in English. Something that I couldn't do. :D
    But, this post has a good conclusion.

    Emang betul sih kebanyakan paper industries itu cuman punya sertifikat khusus sbgai perizinan penebangan pohon, tp jarang yg memikirkan langkah2 untuk me-recycle hutannya... :)

    Good post!

    1. Terimakasih komentarnya!!

      Iya banyak sekali yang harus diperbaiki. susunan katanya luar biasa amburadul.

  6. wah, pake bhsa inggris,,bhs inggris sy belepotan getah nangka... save our earth.

    1. saya getah pisang mbak..
      lebih belepotan.. :)

  7. Translator Mana translator...
    Butuh translator untuk menerjemahkan ke Bahasa Ibu
